
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Fabulous Thursday

Hey Girls and Guys!

Its Thursday and that means the weekend is beating down the door. Hurray for the weekend!  Well its fabulous Thursday and that means we need to start getting in the mood for relaxation and Fun. So be cheerful and merry.

I noticed something of recent and i decided to talk about it. Today my topic of discussion is financial smartness especially for women or rather young women like myself who love to look good. Recently i accompanied a friend on a shopping expedition and when we got to the boutique i saw a number of girls shopping to their heart's content. Trust me i love to shop and look good like the next girl. However, i am so scared of debt. Ill rather have money in the bank than a  bulging ward robe of cloths ill get tired of wearing after a while. I really wish i could shop and buy stuff with reckless abandon but i just can't.  I guess its the Ijebu blood that runs in my veins.I want to be trendy and i want to be able to wear cloths for 6 months and not repeat anything but my pocket for now cannot allow it.  When i was in school my friends used to say Tobi you will need to sacrifice but i just could not. 

Anyway its the Xmas season and i think i should close my eyes and splurge a bit more on myself afterall i deserve it after working for 12 months BUT a little voice keeps telling me: January is the longest month in the year and the driest when it comes to finances,you need to be prepared.

Anyway what do you guys think? Should i shop now and save later or should i prepare for a dry January?

Let me know.

Love and Laughter


Anonymous said...

Hi come you no longer talk abour the boo?

oyindamola sosanya said...

moderation is key in all things